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When did the Fishkeeping hobby start?

The practice of fishkeeping, also known as aquaristics, has a rich history dating back thousands of years. While the earliest forms of fishkeeping were more rudimentary compared to modern aquariums, the foundations were laid by various cultures across the globe.

1. **Ancient Civilizations:**

- The ancient Sumerians are believed to be among the earliest known fishkeepers. Archaeological evidence suggests that they kept fish in artificial ponds as early as 2500 BCE.

- In ancient China, during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), various species of ornamental fish were kept in porcelain tubs and ceramic bowls. These early Chinese fishkeepers selectively bred carp for vibrant colors.

2. **Roman Empire:**

- Romans also engaged in fishkeeping, using large tanks called "piscinae" to raise and display fish. Wealthy Romans were known to have elaborate indoor and outdoor setups.

3. **Medieval Period:**

- Monasteries in medieval Europe had ponds where fish were kept for consumption. These were often integrated into gardens and served both practical and aesthetic purposes.

4. **18th Century:**

- The advent of the glass aquarium is often credited to the British naturalist Philip Henry Gosse. In 1853, Gosse created and introduced the first glass aquarium called the "aquatic vivarium."

- By the late 19th century, public interest in fishkeeping grew, and home aquariums became more common.

5. **20th Century:**

- The development of aquarium technology, such as air pumps and improved filtration, facilitated the growth of the aquarium hobby. Fishkeeping evolved from a niche interest to a mainstream hobby.

- In the mid-20th century, aquarists began focusing on breeding fish for specific traits, leading to the development of numerous ornamental varieties.

6. **Modern Era:**

- The late 20th and early 21st centuries saw significant advancements in aquarium technology, including sophisticated filtration systems, LED lighting, and automated monitoring tools.

- Conservation efforts increased, emphasizing sustainable practices and responsible sourcing of aquarium fish to protect natural ecosystems.

In conclusion, fishkeeping has a diverse and fascinating history that spans cultures and centuries. From simple fish ponds to the intricate aquarium setups of today, the evolution of fishkeeping reflects both cultural practices and advancements in technology and understanding of aquatic ecosystems. Today, it continues to be a popular and evolving hobby worldwide.

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