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Polka Dot Loaches can be fairly boisterous and are best housed in communities of fast-swimming robust small/medium sized fishes. They are not recommended for housing with any long-finned species. As with all other species of Botia, these are a very social species and must be kept in shoals of 5 or more for their continued well being. The aquarium should be mature and at least 3ft in length - longer tanks would be preferable due to their active nature. A soft sandy substrate should be provided in order to protect the delicate sensory barbel area and lighting should be subdued. These loaches are likely to venture out more if numerous hiding places are provided for their safety, and these should take the form of caves, bogwood pieces, and aquatic plants. The water should be clean and well-oxygenated, and water changes of 10-15% should be carried out twice weekly. No two fish have exactly the same markings, and these change dramatically as the fish ages.


Sinking catfish pellets, micropellets, algae wafers, cucumber, frozen foods such as mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, daphnia etc. Will eat snails.

Polka dot Loach - Botia kubota 5cm

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