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Yoyo Loaches have earned their common name from the juvenile markings of alternate Ys and Os which change into a more reticulated pattern as the fish mature. Yoyo Loaches are quite feisty and are not suitable for general community aquariums as they can sometimes bother slow-moving or tiny/small peaceful fishes. They must be maintained in groups of 5 or more due to their shoaling nature, and the group will develop a complex social structure. Any stores suggesting they are best kept singly are simply very wrong - this would cause the fish to behave in an unnatural manner (usually more aggressively) and is considered cruel. They make great companions for small-medium sized robust species, such as some members of the Danio and Barb families. Remember that this species can attain quite a large adult size and will require an aquarium at least 5ft long to provide it with the swimming space it deserves. The substrate should consist of fine sand in order to protect the delicate sensory barbel area, and numerous hiding places (i.e. more than one per loach) should be provided in the form of bogwood, caves, and aquatic plants. Clean, well-oxygenated water is a must, and 10-15% of the water should be changed twice per week. Aquarium lighting should be subdued. May also be seen on sale as Pakistani Loach.


Sinking catfish pellets, micropellets, algae wafers, frozen foods such as mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, daphnia, mysis etc. Will eagerly make a meal of aquatic snails.


Despite the fact that several aquarists have mature females that regularly fill with eggs, no actual aquarium spawnings have been reported to date.

Yoyo Loach - Botia lohachata 4cm


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