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eeding Silver Arowanas is fairly straightforward. Theses fish are largely carnivores and while they can eat some plant-based foods, they need protein to truly thrive.

In the wild, you’ll see Silver Arowanas eating smaller fish, large insects, frogs, crustaceans, and more. They have even been known to eat rabbits and snakes!

In captivity, you can provide your fish with a healthy diet of frozen and live foods. They do well with feeder fish like minnows. Crab, crickets, and shrimp are good options, too.

You can provide earthworms, bloodworms, and any other protein-packed snack as well.

Some aquarists have seen success with dried pellets. However, this is rare. Silver Arowanas will need a nutritional diet of live and frozen foods to stay healthy. In our opinion, it’s not worth trying since it’s not enough for them regardless.

Behavior & Temperament

These fish are one of the most predatory in the aquarium trade. They will bully and eat any fish that can fit into their mouth, so you must exercise caution!

When they’re not searching for predators, Silver Arowanas can be surprisingly skittish.

They’re very aware of their surroundings at all times. If you suddenly walk up to a tank, they can get scared and quickly look for a hiding spot.

Over time, they will become more comfortable with you visiting the tank. But it’s still recommended that you keep the aquarium in a low-traffic area so that you don’t surprise the fish every time you walk by.

Silver Arowana Tank Mates

Finding suitable Silver Arowana tank mates is tough, plain and simple. They usually don’t do well with other Silver Arowanas unless you have a massive pond where they can stay out of each other’s way.

Pair that with their penchant for aggression and you have limited options when it comes to tank mates.

Silver Arowana Osteoglossum bicirrhosum 13-16cm

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