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Scientific name: Enneacanthus chaetodon

Common name: Black-banded sunfish

Origin: North American Atlantic and Gulf slope drainages from Florida to New Jersey and west to Georgia.

Size: Up to 10cm/4” but usually smaller in the aquarium

Diet: Frozen bloodworm, black mosquito larvae, Daphnia and brineshrimp are readily taken. May also accept flakes or micro pellets. Matt Clarke has kept this fish and his were fond of small earthworms and live bloodworm.

Water: Unusually this species inhabits a cold, yet soft and acidic habitat. Natural temperatures range from 4-22°C/39-72°F, with pH from 6.5-7.5. This is a true coldwater fish that should not be exposed long term to high temperatures.

Notes: If looking for a totally different coldwater fish this could be just the species for you. It belongs to a family of sunfish that inhabit much of North America and many cousins including the Pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) are controlled in the UK as they are considered to be a threat to

native species.

The Black-banded sunfish naturally inhabits vegetated lakes, ponds, quiet sand and mud-bottomed pools and backwaters of creeks and small to medium sized rivers. Its liking for plants will suit its camouflage, and as it doesn’t eat plants, a natural looking coldwater planted aquarium with sand and wood would really show these pretty fish off at their best

Black-banded sunfish - Enneacanthus chaetodon 5-6cm large

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