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You will receive 10x mixed Shrimp & 3 Nerite Snails


No New Friends

Large or aggressive fish are not suitable tankmates for shrimp. Barbs, bettas and many others will often bully or harass the shrimp, or else straight up eat the shrimp for dinner. Your best bet is a shrimp only aquarium, or else a tank with small, peaceful fish (such as ember tetras or corydoras), lots of vegetation, and a decent water volume. 

Don't Mind the Crowds

Shrimp are very small and have a lower output of metabolic waste than fish, so they can be kept in smaller tanks/more densely populated conditions. With that said, I wouldn’t push it; it is best to do a maximum of 10-15 shrimp per five gallons. Really, a 20-gallon tank is best for breeding. If they are comfortable, Neocaridina shrimp will reproduce often (with a large enough baseline population, this will just happen with no special effort on the part of the owner), and you will soon find your tank filled with lots of tiny shrimplets. Almost any fish will gobble these baby shrimp up, so it makes sense to keep them in a shrimp only tank or a heavily planted tank if you want any of the shrimplets to survive and grow into adulthood. I have a large, breeding colony in my densely planted high tech, which contains a small fish population.

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