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Common & Latin Name: Leopard Bush Fish, Spotted Climbing Perch (Ctenopoma acutirostre)

Care level: Easy

Max Size: 20cm

Diet: Carnivore

Temp: 23-26°C

pH: 6.5-7.5

Purchase size: 3-4cm

A little about them.

Leopard Bush fish are a very popular fish suitable to the large sized community/aggressive set up.

What set-up do they require?

They will appreciate large swimming areas, decorated with bogwood and rocks and a gravel substrate.


How big do they get?

These guys can get up to 7-8" fully grown. The ones you will receive will be around an 3-4cm


How many can be kept together?

They do best in singles or groups of 5 or more.


What can they be kept with?

Other suitable tank mates include other large cichlids, silver sharks, knife fish, Dollars or anything that won't fit in its mouth.


What do they eat?

Being omnivores offerings of a good quality pellet, whiteworm and bloodworm is best.

Leopard Bush Fish - Ctenapoma acutirostre 5-6cm


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