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There are numerous species of sphagnum moss that look very similar, so are usually grouped together as 'sphagnum' for easy description. These 'bog-mosses' form the amazingly multi-coloured, living carpets found in wet places like peat bogs, marshland, heath and moorland. They grow from spores that are produced in fruiting bodies called capsules. When seen up close, they are very beautiful, but they also play an important role in the creation and continuation of peat bogs. They hold water in their spongy forms long after the surrounding soil has dried out, providing essential nutrients and helping to prevent the decay of dead plant material. It is this organic matter that gets compressed over hundreds of years to form peat.Live Moss is a great way to add extra enrichment into your enclosure, and will also help with maintaining a steady humidity level. The live plant will help to keep the air fresh and clean by photosynthesizing and adding fresh oxygen to your vivarium, whilst also offering a great environment for bioactive custodians, encouraging them to thrive.The use of bioactive custodians can help to keep your habitat clean, by breaking down natural waste. Live Moss is perfect for any forest and rain forest enclosure, especially with maintaining the humidity levels within it.

Live Sphagnum Moss 400g


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