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Many-barred Tiger Fish, Silver Tiger Fish, Silver Datnoid, Four-barred Datnoid
Datnioides quadrifasciatus Synonyms: Chaetodon quadrifasciatus, Datnioides polote
Physical description: Similar in body shape to D. microlepis except this species is slightly more elongated. The body color is gray white and the head may have an amber iridescence. The body is marked with seven black stripes. The first of these runs from the mouth to the eye where it forks with one part running to the back and the other toward the throat. The base of the caudal fin is marked with two black spots. The fins are transparent except for the pelvic fin which is white and black.
Size/Length: To 18" (60 cm) in nature, although rarely larger than 12" (30 cm) in captivity.
Similar species: Datnioides microlepis
Habitat: In brackish water river estuaries in Asia and Australia; Borneo, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, the Ganges of India, Thailand, and Sumatra.
S: bottom
Aquarium: A 32" (91 cm) or 30 gallon (114 L) tank is sufficient for fish up to 7" (18 cm) in length. Larger fish require a tank measuring at least 40" (101 cm) with a volume exceeding 45 gallons (170 L). Follow suggestions for D. microlepis.
Water chemistry: pH 6.5-7.3 (6.9), 6-15 dH (8), 72-82°F (22-28°C). A 1-1.5% addition of salt is suggested. Add 7.5-11 TSP of salt per 10 gallons (10-15 g/10 L).
Social behavior: As for D. microlepis.
Suggested companions: Scats, Archers, Monos, Puffers, Arius.
FOOD: Live; fish, earthworms, Tubifex, insects, crustaceans; meat, beef heart; occasionally pellets
Sexual differences: Unknown
Breeding techniques: Unknown
Breeding potential: 10. Breeding has yet to be accomplished in captivity.
Remarks: Despite its wider distribution, this species is less common than Datnioides microlepis in the hobby .
Difficulty of care: 7. This hardy and aggressive species requires live foods and brackish water conditions. It reaches a large size and demands a large tank.

Many-barred Tiger Fish - Datnioides quadrifasciatus 4-5cm


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