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At an adult size of little more than 1 inch, black neons are suitable for small aquariums. They are a schooling fish and should always be kept in groups of a half dozen or more. They also make a nice addition to a larger community aquarium, as they are peaceful and easy to care for.

Neon tetras do well in a community tank, as long as tankmates are not large or aggressive. They get along well with all sorts of other peaceful fish, such as rasboras, danios, gouramis, and other small tetras as well as the corys and other small catfish. Avoid larger fish, as they will eat these tiny tetras at the first opportunity. The rule of thumb is, if the mouth of the fish opens large enough to swallow the neon, they will do it sooner or later.

Black Neon Tetra Habitat and Care

Like other tetras, black neons prefer soft acidic water; however, they are quite adaptable and are more tolerant of hard neutral water than other tetra species. Peat filtering is recommended for bringing out the best coloration, and peat is essential if you're attempting to breed them.

The ideal environment for the black neon tetra includes subdued lighting, live plants, open space for swimming, a dark substrate, and a healthy water current in the mid to upper region of the aquarium, where they prefer to swim. For the substrate, use river sand with some driftwood and twisted roots. Add some dried leaves to the tank, which will stain the water a light brown. Replace the leaves every few weeks. Use dim lighting to develop the tetra's coloring for the best display effect.


SocialPeaceful, schooling fish
Tank LevelMid to top-dwelling
Minimum Tank Size10 gallon
pH5.5 to 7.5
HardnessUp to 6 dGH

73 to 81 F (23 to 27 C)



XL Black Neon Tetra- Hypessobrycon herbertaxelrodi 3.5cm


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