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SynonymsTrichogaster labiosus, Colisa labiosa, Colisa labiosus
DistributionEndemic to southern Myanmar. Introduced to Colombian waters.
Sexual DimorphismMales are generally more colourful and have pointed dorsal fins.
Maximum Size9cm (3.5”)
Water ParametersNeutral – soft & acidic. pH: 6.0-7.0, dH: up to 12 degrees.
Temperature22-28 deg C (72-82 deg F)

No special requirements









The Thick Lipped Gourami is a peaceful species ideal for quiet community aquaria. In the wild, these fish would be found amongst heavy vegetation in the slower reaches of rivers, and so to emulate this, the aquarium should be well-planted and with a gentle water flow. Although they'll adapt to most conditions, Thick Lipped Gouramis will be seen at their best in softwater aquaria, where their striking colours become very impressive. Given sufficient space and plenty of cover, males can be kept together with minimal aggression. As with most gouramis it's best to outnumber them with females.

In addition to the standard wild type, a couple of different colour strains are available: the Orange variety and the Red Robin variety. All can be mixed with the proviso that males of the normal and orange forms will often dominate the smaller red ones. 

There seems to be a little confusion between this fish and the closely related Banded gourami T. labiosa, with imported fish sometimes showing intermediate characteristics. Time will tell if there are undescribed species involved, a massive amount of regional variation or even natural hybridisation at play.

Thick lipped Gourami 'Orange' Trichogaster labioso

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